Dr Yuhong Xie

Dr. Yuhong Xie: Shaolin One Finger Zen and Medical Qigong

March 20th at 10am New York Time (2pm London Time), we have the great honor to present Dr. Yuhong Xie, the world-renowned Qigong and Taiji grandmaster, to share with us how to use Qigong to boost our immune system and mind-body harmony.  He will also illustrate how to cultivate our vital energy, then lead and guide the chi for healing of self and others.  To attend Dr. Xie's medical Qigong class, please visit TCCII website. 

Dr. Xie holds a doctorate degree in Chinese medicine, and is a master of Chi needle method, which uses subtle energy projection in place of a real needle. Since his first year at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, he was deeply attracted to the antient chi healing method, and studied different schools of Qigong, eventually, he became the 20th generation indoor disciple of Shaolin Yizhichan (One Finger Zen), and an exponent in external chi healing.

In the past five years, Professor Xie traveled to over 20 countries in Europe and S. America, tireless taught over 100 seminars and workshops on medical and cultivational Qigong. This is the first time Dr. Xie opens a virtual classroom for US students and Qigong lovers from English-speaking world.

Professor Xie currently serves as the doctor program advisor at Victorian College of Nanjing Chinese Medicine University, and the president of the International Taichi and Qigong Academy.   

To view recordings of all previous speakers, please join TCCII Total Wellness Club.


本周的养生问道, 我们请到了来自英国解余宏博士。他是享誉世界的著名气功大师和针灸专家,也是《少林内劲一指禅》第20代传人,《气针导引疗法》创始人。解教授从事外气治疗、针灸临床及中医养生教学30余年,任(英国)【国际气功太极养生学院】院长,南京中医药大学英国维多利亚学院教授,博士研究生导师,世界大健康运动联盟欧洲和南美洲分会主席,世界中医药联合会中医治未病专业委员会常务理事,(英国) 国际太极气功养生协会会长。


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