Holistic Care:
East-West Dialogues
between two
esteemed physicians
Dr. Edward Creagan is a cancer specialist for over 40 years, and professor emeritus of medical oncology and Humanism in Medicine at Mayo Clinic Medical School. Dr. Creagan is also an author of two award-winning books, and runs a popular blog "Ask Dr. Ed." He was named Outstanding Educator from the Mayo Clinic School of Continuing Medical Education and has received the Distinguished Mayo Clinician Award—Mayo Clinic’s highest honor. He completed an elected term as President of the Mayo Staff.
Dr. Mei Xu, chief surgeon with 38 years in practice, and founder of Richland Hospital. Her integrative and holistic approach is credited to have saved many lives when conventional medicine had declared "no cure".
云南瑞奇德医院 徐梅院长
A chief surgical physician with 38 years of medical practice, Dr. Xu founded Yunnan Richland Hospital in2007, now a flourishing JCI-Certified international hospital. Dr. Xu is a practitioner of holistic medicine in China. She has been exploring using Eastern wisdom to guide caring for the whole person, while adopting advanced modern medicine in daily practice. She is credited in saving many lives when conventional medicine declared "no cure".

Farewell: Vital End-of-Life Questions with Candid Answers
Being present at the bedside—and even at the moment of death—can become an experience embedded in the minds and souls of family members for generations. It is a deeply emotional time, one of relief and sadness. Anyone who has taken that final journey with a loved one will never, ever forget those moments.
Dr. Edward Creagan has dedicated his life to death. And now this esteemed medical doctor examines death, not only from a medical standpoint, but from an acutely emotional perspective as events beyond our control unfold.
For more than forty years, he has been at the bedside with patients, addressing the end-of-life questions patients and their families ask. This book is about navigating those last days, at the bedside, and saying farewell with hope, love, and compassion.
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How Not to be My Patient
April 9, Sat, 20:30 US Eastern Time
Dr. Edward Creagan, a professor of medical oncology and board-certified in hospice and palliative medicine, will share with us the foundation for health and well-being. He will underscore that genes are not destiny. About 75% of the quality of life and the length of our life reflect lifestyle options and lifestyle choices. Dr. Creagan will share with us The Keys To the Kingdom of resilient wellness. This presentation can save our life or the lives of those we love.
2022.4.10 北京时间 8:30
科瑞根博士是医学肿瘤学教授,并是全美医学会首批认证的临终关怀和缓和医学专家。他将与我们分享什么是身心健康的基石。科瑞根医生强调基因决定不了命运。我们的生活质量和的寿命有 75% 取决于我们生活方式的选择。通往的健康王国的关键是什么?我们如何拥有坚不可摧的、不轻易被生活或压力打碎的身心健康?科瑞根医生分享的生命智慧既有可能会挽救我们或我们所爱之人的生命。
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How Not to be my Patient on April 9, 2022
How not to be my patient: A physician’s secret for dealing with just about any diagnosis
Dr. Creagan, a professor of medical oncology and board-certified in hospice and palliative medicine, will share with us the foundation for health and well-being. He will underscore that genes are not destiny. About 75% of the quality of life and the length of our life reflect lifestyle options and lifestyle choices. Dr. Creagan will share with us The Keys To the Kingdom of resilient wellness. This presentation can save our life or the lives of those we love.
科瑞根博士是医学肿瘤学教授,并是全美医学会首批认证的临终关怀和缓和医学专家。他将与我们分享什么是身心健康的基石。科瑞根医生强调基因决定不了命运。我们的生活质量和的寿命有 75% 取决于我们生活方式的选择。通往的健康王国的关键是什么?我们如何拥有坚不可摧的、不轻易被生活或压力打碎的身心健康?科瑞根医生分享的生命智慧既有可能会挽救我们或我们所爱之人的生命。
How to Break Bad News on April 16, 2022
How to break bad news to patients? How to communicate with physicians?
Patients and families almost never remember the name of the surgeon, the physician, the nurse who cares for them. But what they do remember is the circumstance about how the devastating news was shared with the patient and the family. From the experience of having been at the bedside for approximately 30,000 patients, Dr. Creagan will share with us the importance of a compassionate narrative outlining what the patient and the family might expect. And how we as patients can navigate this turmoil with peace and dignity…. And hope.
Healing Power of Pets on April 23, 2022
The Healing Power of Pets
The healing from fur, fins and feathers. We now know from complex laboratory analyses, when we groom that dog, when we hold that cat, when we gaze at fish in the aquarium or the bird in the aviary, there is a surge of immuno-restorative, healing compounds deep within the brain that promote feelings of peace and serenity and wellness. Myriad studies and complex data analysis document that our length of life is enhanced by having a pet, and that pet provides meaning and purpose which is far more predictable than a pill in a bottle. When we bring that little creature into our lives, we are not saving that little creature, that little creature is saving us.
毛绒绒的小动物、游来游去的鱼儿、五彩斑斓的羽毛:这一切对我们都有着疗愈功能!从复杂的实验室分析中我们现在3. 知道,当我们给那只狗梳毛时,当我们抱着那只猫时,当我们凝视水族馆里的鱼或鸟舍中的鸟时,大脑深处会涌现出大量具有恢复免疫和治疗作用的化合物,促进我们心中和平、宁静和健康的感觉。无数的研究和复杂的数据分析表明,养宠物可以延长我们的寿命,而宠物提供的意义和目的远比瓶中的药丸更容易预测。当我们把那个小动物带入我们的生活时,我们并不是在拯救那个小动物,而是那个小动物在拯救我们。