Short Video

Meridian Tapping

Short Meditation

Kindle the Heart Fire

Kindle the Heart Fire Guided Meditation
Short Video

Chi Yoga with Prostration

Chi Yoga Prostration
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What students say about the class?

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for a wonderful experience this morning! Learning and practicing Qigong with you made me feel so good, and it was fun to be part of your "tribe". Your energy was amazing!!! 


I want to thank you for the incredible Qigong classes. You’re a wonderful teacher, very caring and authentic!  I can say I haven’t been drawn into anything so much as I have been drawn into your teaching and your work- since my early ballet experiences.


I feel more energetic, less tense and more clear-headed than I have felt in years.  The classes are balanced and offer a lot of depth about Qigong. Dr. Chong goes out of her way to get to know the students and address their needs accordingly. There is warmth in the class but privacy also so that the meditative aspects can be experienced. 


Qigong With Yinong

Tap into your inner power and wisdom

So many classes out there, why this one? Here is my "WHY":
Each individual's health and wellness needs are quite unique, AND they vary and change with time and space. So, there is no such thing as "one size fits all" health practice. Given that, I will not teach any "master's way to health enlightenment", and would rather invite you to a self-discovery journey. Along the way I simply show you HOW to connect with your body, mind and spirit in a true Qigong state.

At the moment of connection, something magical could happen: You may hear or see or feel the Chi vibrations from your inner universe, and gradually get really good at translating those signals into your own self-care manual. That inner knowing is your own compass pointing you to the right path in the midst of a real life challenge or crisis. In other words, Qigong with Yinong offers an opportunity to explore your own way to your natural state of well being

How does this resonate with you? 



Expression Vs Perfection 

In pursuit of a strong and healthy body, we often unknowingly abuse our body in the name of "exercise". Qigong and Yoga practitioners also like to showcase a perfect body in perfect posture as a measure of accomplishment. Yinong, however, does not use Qigong movements just to exercise your body to perfection, but to invite a free expression of your body's chi energy. In class, movements are designed to release and free rather than stress and strain your body. Simply put, your body FEELS much better after you move, period.   

  • Body holds physical and emotional tension and stress. Moving freely and spontaneously with the chi, you release blockages and trauma energetically.
  • Body needs movements to enhance life force and maintain balance.  Authentic Qigong movements are purposefully designed to restore Yin-Yang balance, so they are life nourishing instead of body punishing.
  • Body senses and feels, then sends signals to our commanding center, but sadly often ignored. Moving in stillness filters out mind's chattering noises, so you can truly hear your body and care for its needs. 
Monthly membership--start and stop as you please!


Competence Vs Competition  

Willful mind is like a wild horse, racing around and hard to stop. Qigong is an ancient art with thousands of years experience in calming down and rein in the wild horse. Through Qigong training, you are building mental and emotional competence, which is essential to counter insecurity, indifference, stress and ceaseless competitions for external power. Instead, we learn to tap into our inner power to realize our full potentials. 

  • Use guided imagery and  breathing techniques to change brain waives and experience peace and tranquility.
  • Practice self-reflection and contemplation to recognize how we habitually think, speak and act. Learn to create space between outside stimulus and our internal reactions, and cultivate the power to stay centered regardless what life throws at us. 
  • Cultivate intellectual and emotional competence for self-empowerment, and establish new habit of seeking power and wisdom from within.
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Connection Vs Conviction

Accept all beings as our equal, show gratitude to all blessings in life, love with open heart but no judgement ...  Qigong with Yinong has no religious connotation, but we will borrow certain Qigong techniques for spiritual cultivation. Strong conviction in your faith is very much respected in our class, as we deepen our connection as ONE: one with nature, one with supreme being, one with your highest consciousness.    

  • Use guided meditation, mantra, and breathing patterns to create pathways to inner peace and tranquility
  • Practice and manifest acceptance, gratitude and compassion to rewrite negative memories and emotions.  
  • Meditate in self-empowering affirmations, and practice to connection with your own supreme state of BEING
Yinong's Bio 艺农简历