We tune-up the car regularly, why not our body?
We take our cars in for maintenance every 3,000 miles—checking the engine, changing the oil, balancing the wheels, to ensure everything run smoothly. But what about the most valuable vehicle—our body?
Just like a car, we accumulate wear and tear from stress, bad weather, and daily demands. Without regular tune-ups, we often run on empty, feeling fatigued, unbalanced, and out of sync.
This Seasonal Tune-Up Workshop helps you discover your personalized care manual—based on eastern life-nurturing arts. We integrate Aromatherapy with Meridian system, qigong movements tailored to seasonal changes, observe lifestyle shifts to reset your energy, strengthen immunity, and restore harmony.
Don’t wait for burnout—invest wisely at pivotal time and keep your body running at peak performance all year long!
Try it and see for yourself!
Come and get your personalized care manual. Live class on Zoom is FREE! Zoom Meeting ID: 868 5915 0816 Passcode: 1468
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