Jennifer Niu: How to get living foods on your table everyday?
For the Wellness Forum on Nov 21, 2020 (Saturday 8:30PM Eastern Time), we have invited Jennifer Niu as our special guest. In her lively show and tell, she will reveal all her secrets of how to grow vegetables at home all year round, with no dirt, no weeding, and no worms! ( To view other English presentations, please Join TCCII Wellness Club! )
We all know the importance of living foods to our immune system. In the face of various environmental threats, we need even more living and nutritious foods to keep our immunity strong. However, facing the unknown challenges this winter, it may just be a bit more difficult to get those fresh produces at our usual frequency.
Jennifer will introduce how she uses an innovative way to combat this dilemma. Tower Garden Home has its own built-in watering and feeding features. It uses 98% less water and 90% less space, but produces 30% more yield. The best yet, for those who have no green thumbs, you have no worries as this Tower Garden seems to be fool-proof and boasts 100% success rate!
With this Tower Garden, you can pick your vegetables whenever you are ready to enjoy them-- a true "from garden to table" solution!
An avid promoter of healthy living, Jennifer has a wealth of knowledge and experience in using nutrition to enhance our health.
Come and learn with Jennifer on how to:
- Grow your own favorite vegetables in doors all year round (or on patio, deck, and in sunroom);
- How nutrition and living foods support your immune system;
- How to use fresh and living foods to reduce inflammation, and slow down aging!